Monday, February 07, 2011

Live Facebook Video Chat Tomorrow ~ Career Advice Series ~ Intuit Careers

Mark your calendars and join us tomorrow. Intuit Careers resident career advice expert and social media leader, Gail Houston, will be hosting a live video chat on our Facebook page tomorrow… here are the details. Hope to see you there!

You are invited to attend the Intuit Careers Live Video Chat Career Advice Series Tuesday, Feb 8th at 11PST. Gail Houston from Intuit, co-lead of Crossroads Career Transition Workshop will teach applicants how to create a resume that will get noticed – even if you are entry level. Participating is simple. Log into Facebook up to 10 minutes prior to the chat beginning. You do not need a webcam to participate. After Gail’s presentation you will be able to text chat in your questions for Gail to answer live.

Facebook Link -

If you do not have a Facebook account, or if you encounter any issues with the link in Facebook please use this alternative link.

You will enter the room as a participant. You can either use your name or it will default to User####. All participants will be able to ask questions by entering questions in the text chat box at the right hand corner of the room.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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